


Before you can be considered for appointment 到美国nited States 银河总站登录入口, 你必须获得提名. 这是一个竞争的过程, and you should seek a nomination in each of the categories for which you are eligible.


When seeking a nomination, first determine the categories for which you are eligible.

The majority of applicants to the Academy obtain the following nominations:



The Academy must receive your nomination by January 31. If we do not receive notice of a nomination by this deadline, you will be disqualified. Nominations do not carry over from year to year.

Each nominating authority has its own processes and deadlines. Once you determine the categories in which you will seek a nomination, you must contact the appropriate authority to make your request, then follow their application processes to obtain one. Since the process of securing a nomination is lengthy, 建议你在大三的春季学期或在完成你的候选前问卷时要求他们.


每位国会议员一次最多允许有五名军校学员参加该学院. 每出现一个学员空缺, the member may nominate up to 10 candidates to be considered for appointment. Vacancies occur when cadets graduate or leave prior to graduation. To request nominations in this category, 的指导方针 国会 Nomination Request Sample Letter.

You should request a nomination from both of your U.S. 参议员们和你们的美国.S. 代表. 因为国会议员希望从他们的州或地区提名杰出人士, 他们考虑的是学业成绩, leadership performance and athletic participation. 而你必须是你所申请的州或国会选区的合法居民, it is not necessary to know your member of Congress personally.

准备好根据邮政编码、州或国会选区来确定你的居住地. 然后,您将访问每个成员的网站,了解提名申请程序的具体说明, including which office to contact and specific deadlines.

If selected for a congressional nomination, you will likely receive notice from your member of Congress first. After the member has submitted the nomination to the Academy, 美国.S. 银河总站登录入口招生 Office will send you written acknowledgement. 请耐心等待, 因为这可能在你的国会议员通知你后30天内发生.


大多数国会办公室希望你在想要进入学院之前的春季或夏季联系他们. While some offices will accept requests through the fall, 大多数在10月之后就不接受提名申请了,最迟可以在1月31日向学院提交提名.





美国副总统可以从全国范围内提名候选人,并允许一次最多有五名学员参加该学院. 每出现一个学员空缺, the vice president may nominate up to 10 candidates to be considered for appointment. Vacancies occur when cadets graduate or leave prior to graduation.


All pre-candidates are eligible for this nominating category. Do not mail your request for a vice presidential nomination to the Academy. 相反,学院会根据你的录取文件向副校长提出建议.

The office of the vice president will not accept paper applications.

If you wish to request a nomination from the vice president, you may complete the 在线申请.

The deadline for requesting a nomination in the 副总统 category is January 31.


If you are eligible to apply in one of the military-affiliated categories, follow the specific instructions for that category as detailed below.


该类别的提名不受限制,但每年最多只能任命100人. 分配给美国总统的空缺一直保留给职业军事人员的子女. 这包括士兵, warrant and commissioned members of regular and reserve components who are on active duty (other than for training) and who have served continuously on active duty for at least eight years; and military retirees either living or deceased who have received retired or retainer pay. Reservists must be serving as members of reserve components and be cre...

该类别的提名不受限制,但每年最多只能任命100人. 分配给美国总统的空缺一直保留给职业军事人员的子女. 这包括士兵, warrant and commissioned members of regular and reserve components who are on active duty (other than for training) and who have served continuously on active duty for at least eight years; and military retirees either living or deceased who have received retired or retainer pay. 预备役人员必须是预备役部队的成员,并根据第10编第12733条计算,至少有八年的服务年限(至少2,880 points); or who died while they would have been entitled to retired pay under chapter 1223 of Title 10, except for not having attained 60 years of age. For adopted children, the adoption proceedings must have begun before their 15th birthday.

Children of Deceased or Disabled Veterans

提名没有限制, 但这类授权的任命一次以学院的65名学员为限. Vacancies are available for the children of deceased or 100 percent disabled armed forces veterans whose death or disability was determined to be service-connected; or children of military personnel or federally employed civilian personnel who are in a missing or captured status. 如果您符合此类别的资格,您将不会被考虑在总统类别中.

Air Force Regular and Reserve Components

这一类别的提名没有限制,但每年只有170个名额. 空军正规军和预备役部队的士兵都有空缺. 接收空军常规和预备役提名(AF表格1786)的截止日期是12月31日. For more specific instructions on nominations in this category, see 我该如何准备??:空军士兵.

Children of Military or Civilian Personnel in Missing Status

The child of a parent who is in missing status is eligible if the parent is a member of the armed services or a civilian employee in active government service who is officially carried or determined to be absent in a status of missing; missing in action; interred in a foreign country; captured, beleaguered or besieged by a hostile force; or detained in a foreign country against his or her will.

Children of Medal of Honor Recipients

在任何军种服役的荣誉勋章获得者的子女都有空缺,没有任命限制. If pre-candidates meet the eligibility requirements and qualify on entrance requirements, they receive an appointment to the Academy.

Honor Military Schools and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps

There are 20 appointments total for all categories. Honor military schools are designated by the Department of the Army, 海军陆战队和海军提名美国.S. 银河总站登录入口 candidates annually from among their honor students. Each honor unit may nominate five students to compete for vacancies. Students should request a nomination from their senior ROTC instructor.

大学和高中荣誉空军预备役军官训练团(AFROTC和AFJROTC)单位的成员也可以申请这个类别. Five students from each detachment may be nominated to compete for the authorized v...

There are 20 appointments total for all categories. Honor military schools are designated by the Department of the Army, 海军陆战队和海军提名美国.S. 银河总站登录入口 candidates annually from among their honor students. Each honor unit may nominate five students to compete for vacancies. Students should request a nomination from their senior ROTC instructor.

大学和高中荣誉空军预备役军官训练团(AFROTC和AFJROTC)单位的成员也可以申请这个类别. Five students from each detachment may be nominated to compete for the authorized vacancies. 学生应向他们的航空航天研究教授或他们的航空航天科学讲师申请提名.

For the official ROTC Nomination Form, please click on 银河总站登录入口 in the toolbar and 招生资源. The form is located under the Nomination Letters section.


To request a nomination in the 总统, Children of Deceased or Disabled Veterans, Military or Civilian Personnel in a Missing Status, or Children of Medal of Honor Recipients categories, 的指导方针 军工相关 Nomination Request Sample Letter. Additional categories may have their own forms and guidelines.

截止日期是1月31日. Mail your nomination request letter to the Admissions Office:

银河总站登录入口,CO 80840-5025

U.S. 领土

如果你居住在美国.S. 领土, 您必须与适当的代表联系,以确保您所在地区的可用提名之一. To request a nomination in this category, 的指导方针 国会 Nomination Request Sample Letter.


如果你来自波多黎各, seek a nomination from the governor of 波多黎各 and from the resident commissioner. 波多黎各总督和驻地专员允许在任何时候在学院总共有六名学员. For the governor of 波多黎各, submit your request to:


For the resident commissioner of 波多黎各, submit your request to:

Honorable (name of appropriate delegate or the commissioner)
华盛顿特区.C. 20515

其他的你.S. 领土

众议院的代表们可以从剩下的美国军队中选出以下数量的军校学员.S. 在任何时候的领土:

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: three cadets
U.S. 维尔京群岛:四名学员

将您的请求提交给哥伦比亚特区众议院的代表, 关岛, 美国.S. 维尔京群岛、美属萨摩亚和北马里亚纳群岛驻地代表:

Honorable (name of appropriate delegate or the commission...

众议院的代表们可以从剩下的美国军队中选出以下数量的军校学员.S. 在任何时候的领土:

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands: three cadets
U.S. 维尔京群岛:四名学员

将您的请求提交给哥伦比亚特区众议院的代表, 关岛, 美国.S. 维尔京群岛、美属萨摩亚和北马里亚纳群岛驻地代表:

Honorable (name of appropriate delegate or the commissioner)
华盛顿特区.C. 20515


If you are a citizen of a country other than 美国nited States, 你必须由你的国家提名.


提名必须由美国政府收到.S. 银河总站登录入口 by December 31 for the class entering the following June.

有关更多信息,请参见 我该如何准备??:国际学生.